Blog Posts

Delaying the Commission

A commission is an instruction or an authorization to do something. Many of us have heard the phrase “The Great Commission” and if not, we’ve certainly heard “The Good News” even if we’re not entirely sure what it means. The Good News is that freedom and eternal life exist through Jesus Christ who died, was buried, and resurrected on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Continue reading

A Way in the Wilderness

The "wilderness" is an interesting place to find yourself. We know Jesus to be Savior and we praise him for making a way where there seemed to be no way. We glorify Him because He has taken us out of bondage and sin. He has removed the veil and has promised new, abundant life. However, we don't often see this abundant life, this land of milk and honey, right away.  Continue reading

Torrents of Torment

In earlier verses we see that the disciples were sent into a storm by the Lord, which is interesting seeing that the Holy Spirit also led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted (Matthew 4:1). The trials that God allows are never to destroy but to build us up. His plans for us are to prosper and not to harm! It’s important to understand this, otherwise we will find ourselves going through storm after storm not being able to grasp the valuable wisdom inside of them.  Continue reading